Hello, and welcome to my site, I'm Licia, with these lines I will try to best describe my wonderful world.
As a child, the passion for animals has always accompanied me.. it was MICIA my first cat, who showed me for the first time the wonderful feline world, playmate, confidant and friend, when it came to my immediately put in search of a special and special cat, and from there I discovered the beautiful Persian breed, which I was bewitched.. enchanted by these wonderful creatures and looking at the photos that portrayed them have become aware of colourpoint, and their blue eyes they stole my heart.. And so I took my first pair of Persian colourpoint who immediately gave me countless satisfactions.

From here my hairy family has expanded more and more and so I started to raise.. The Persians are wonderful aristocratic creatures, who look at you in the depths of the soul, and are able to make you forget all that exists in the world around.. my loved ones live surrounded by love and care, free at home, reciprocating my love with small gestures that make me feel special.. creating an empathy that allows me to understand them only by looking at them and every birth gives me unique emotions, and every kitten that is born gives me happiness.. and are followed by their first day of life up to and beyond the entrustment to the new family.

All my cats are tested FIV-FELV and genetic PKD, have a loving character, with the eyes of an intense blue color, a strong and compact structure, all essential qualities for a beautiful cat.. my goal is to improve more and more the standard of my kittens, keeping their sweet character.

I want to thank the people who allowed me to get here, to my husband Mariano and to our children a special thank you, that with their love and their passion they support me, advising me, but above all they accompany me in this fantastic adventure. To my vets who are always available at any time of day or night, and for their friendship. To the breeders who wanted to give me their cats believing in me. And to all those people who have welcomed into their families a kitten of mine.. thanks also to all the people who tried to stop the desire and have tried in many ways to make me give up this world, but not there they succeeded!
Thanks to all of you who have made me the person who are giving birth to me.. un BATTITO FELINO

I wish you a good navigation in these pages special for you soon!

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